
Votum ist eine sympathische und extrem lesbare Allround-Antiqua. Im Vergleich zur Basta, einer Schrift ähnlicher Klassifikation, ist sie geradliniger und neutraler. Ihre Buchstaben sind sensibel und doch stabil insbesondere in kleinen Schriftgrößen. Sehr gute Zeilenbildung und eine relativ enge Laufweite erzeugen ein kompaktes Schriftbild.

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I was born twice
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Qualis artifex pereo!
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Elmer Gantry was drunk
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A screaming comes across the sky
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One summer afternoon Mrs. Oedipa Maas came home from a Tupperware party whose hostess had put perhaps too much kirsch in the fondue to find that she, Oedipa, had been named executor, or she supposed executrix, of the estate of one Pierce Inverarity, a California real estate mogul who had once lost two million dollars in his spare time but still had assets numerous and tangled enough to make the job of sorting it all out more than honorary.